
Breakfast: Smoothie, Coconut water

Lunch: Clif bar, banana, V8

Dinner: Rice with tofu, beans and chickpeas in tomato sauce.

I hate the fact that I am completely dependent on whatever they decide to serve in the cafeteria. Its always the same stuff, the tomato sauce is out of a can, everything is rather blunt, the fresh fruits are not organic,.. I consider myself a rather good cook, since I cooked for myself quite often at home. I truly like cooking and I really miss doing it. I think that it is one of the key missing elements, that never made me truly feel at home here in the dorm. Also the fact that it is a dorm, and my roommate and I really don’t get along plays a part in this.
I am so looking forward on spending three months back home, eating real healthy food, not having snow everywhere, being with my true friends and beloved family. And cooking. So much cooking will be done in that time. ^^

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